Wednesday, September 11, 2013

 Dear Teachers,

I first wanted to congratulate you for making the opening of our 1:1 launch a success. As each day passes, I have appreciated being a part of the initial setups in many of your classrooms: ensuring student accounts are set, partnering on creating some of the foundational technological tools you will be using in your classroom, and interacting with students to help solve a variety of student computer issues. Each of these arises from your embracing student technological use in your classroom, and I am grateful that I have the opportunity to support your efforts in the 1:1 endeavor.

Second, in support of your classroom work, I also wanted to begin more concretely with my other primary role of working with you to help further your growth in the classroom technology domain. Before October conferences I hope to meet with each one of you to discuss plans, ideas, realities, and solutions for your classroom, as well as have an opportunity to connect with each of you to further the technology networking and collaboration among classrooms that is already taking place. I have created a form for you to schedule a technology conference with me. Please click here to go to live form to schedule conference.

Additionally, I will be maintaining a 1:1 blog through Blogger (, which I will embed in the faculty portal and which I will be able to share ideas, tutorials, and inspiration for those looking for an extra boost. I will also post links to this blog on my twitter page: @mattwhittaker_1. As we push for more opportunities for professional growth in teacher-friendly formats, I hope these posts will be yet another venue where we can share and discuss practices and philosophies related to technology, curriculum, and pedagogy. In the meantime, if there is something that I can help you with, help you design or talk through, be there as you set it up with students, etc. please let me know.

Great work, team, and keep it up.


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